
Top 8 Diagrams for Understanding Java

String Immutability【字符串不变性】

The following diagram shows what happens for the following code:

String s = "abcd";
s = s.concat("ef");

The equals() and hashCode() Contract【equals()方法、hashCode()方法的区别】

HashCode is designed to improve performance. The contract between equals() and hasCode() is that:

  1. If two objects are equal, then they must have the same hash code.
  2. If two objects have the same hashcode, they may or may not be equal.

Java Exception Class Hierarchy【Java异常类的层次结构】

Red colored are checked exceptions which must either be caught or declared in the method’s throws clause.

Collections Class Hierarchy【集合类的层次结构】

Note the difference between Collections and Collection.

Java synchronization【Java同步】

Java synchronization mechanism can be illustrated by an analogy to a building.


Aliasing means there are multiple aliases to a location that can be updated, and these aliases have different types.

Stack and Heap【堆和栈】

This diagram shows where methods and objects are in run-time memory.

JVM Run-Time Data Areas【Java虚拟机运行时数据区域】

原文链接: programcreek 翻译: ImportNew.com - era_misa
译文链接: http://www.importnew.com/11725.html

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